Emily M. DeArdo


catholic 101

Ash Wednesday and Lent 2025

2025, Catholic 101, Catholicism, holidays, Lent, prayerEmily DeArdoComment
Abstract landscape watercolor banner with splatters of paint and a purple cross.

Abstract landscape watercolor banner with splatters of paint and a purple cross.

Special announcement for this week: Living Memento Mori is only $3 on Ave Maria Press right now - this is the perfect time to pick up your own copy!

Can you believe it’s already time for Lent to begin again?

Emily always loved to talk about the sense of renewal and what is truly means to remove distractions and recommit your focus on the Lord in the weeks leading up to Passover.

This is not a time where we fast to lose weight or post our ashes on social media to gain likes, but rather, fasting is a time rededicated to prayer, reading the Word, drawing closer to the Lord in worship, and volunteering. The ashes area symbol meant to remind us to soberly consider our own mortality. This is not a time to tell the world what you’re giving up and boast or complain of the hardships of fasting, but we should instead follow the words in Matthew 6:16 that say, "When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites. They neglect their appearance, so that they may appear to others to be fasting".

Remember, fasting is not to be on display for men, but a voluntary offering to our Father in repentance and dedication of our love to Him.

Below you’ll find a couple past Lenten related blog posts, written by Emily, that have resources for your benefit and also a shout out to her other book she wrote, Catholic 101 (learn more in the 2018 post). We pulled a passage (pages 59-60) you can read below as well that goes through the Three Pillars of Lent.

Lent 2017
Lent 2018

Woman with Ash Wednesday cross on forehead.

Woman with Ash Wednesday cross on forehead.

Lent: Overview and the Three Pillars

Lent is probably not going to win the “favorite liturgical season” contest, but the older I get, the more I like, appreciate, and need Lent. It’s spring cleaning for the soul. The English word “Lent” is from the Old English word lenten meaning “spring season”, so it’s appropriate to think of it this way. It’s the annual time to get the dust, cobwebs, and trash out of our soul, and focus anew on making it a cleaner, tidier, and more welcoming place for God to dwell.

As a liturgical season, Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday to the afternoon of Holy Thursday. Since the date of Easter is movable84, unlike Christmas, Lent can either begin quite early (the beginning of February) or rather late (March). It is 40 days, representative of the time Christ spent in the desert before he began his public ministry. As we’ve seen, 40 is an important number in Catholicism.

But Lent is, first and foremost, a penitential season, which is probably why it gets a bad rap. No one really likes penance—at least no one who is psychologically normal.

But the Bible, and Jesus, are pretty clear on the need for penance. Penance can mean many things, but in Lent the Church gives us the three pillars—prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—to help guide us in our practice of penance fitting for the season.

Prayer Lent is an excellent time to improve your prayer life. Maybe that means beginning to pray regularly—in the morning before breakfast, before you go to bed, a rosary after dinner. Maybe it means attending Mass during your lunch hour. You could consider adding a holy hour once a week, or once a month. There are so many ways to deepen your prayer life that you really can’t choose wrong. The only wrong choice would be to do nothing.

Almsgiving means giving money or goods to the poor, either directly (bringing canned goods to a food pantry, donating clothes to a shelter) or indirectly through a 60 charity or church. (putting money in the church poor box, sponsoring a child overseas, donating money or items to help refugees.) This is part of Catholic life anyway, but it takes on a special significance during Lent. We should try to give more, so that it’s really a sacrifice, that we’re really giving something up to help other people.

Fasting means eating less food on a given day. For American Catholics, that means one full meal and two meals that, together, do not equal the one full meal. (We’ll talk more in detail about almsgiving and fasting in the next section, as well as abstinence, the sibling of fasting.)

The forty days of Lent can be a powerful time in your spiritual life—but only if you take the time to prepare for it and think about what you want to do with it. Instead of dreading it, see it as an opportunity to progress in your prayer life, and to get to know Jesus better.

We just want to give one more reminder that Emily’s book, Living Memento Mori, makes a great companion to this Lenten season and we hope you’ll pick up your copy to gain a new perspective as you walk through the next 6 weeks.

Pick up a copy of Emily’s book:
Ave Maria Press
Seton Shrine

Lent Week 2: Live Life Boldly

Emily DeArdo2 Comments

Bible Verse from 1 Peter 5:10 that says, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”

We are a week into Lent, and we hope it’s been a meaningful time that has already begun to reveal Christ’s goodness and mercy in your life while you dedicate time to Him.

The following tribute, titled “A Life Lived Boldly”, was written by Emily’s friend Fr. Philip Humbert Kilanowski, O.P. We thank him for his willingness to share such a beautiful reflection of Emily’s life through his eyes in light of the Lent that is upon us. We hope that as you read, you’ll consider your own life and ask the Lord how you can deny yourself the tendency to make excuses while feeling self-pity for misfortunes and instead turn your difficulties into praise. Live life boldly!

She was born on Good Friday.  And it was snowing.  How’s that for an entrance?

Emily always lived her life close to the Cross—as if she was chosen for it.  Her sufferings read like a litany: periodic seizures as a young child, cystic fibrosis from age 11, multiple cases of tuberculosis, a rare virus that put her in a coma for two weeks during college, 16 bouts with pancreatitis, diabetes, a heart condition that required surgery—and I haven’t even mentioned the double lung transplant that, no doubt, extended her life, but also left her with permanent hearing loss and a scar the length of her right forearm.

And yet, once you met her, you never would have known that she suffered through any of this.  She never let any of this get the best of her, and remained as joyful and feisty as ever.  She could hold a conversation using just movie quotes and show tune lyrics.  She would fiercely debate all comers not only in religion or politics, but over who was the greatest hockey player of all time, or what constitutes an authentic Italian restaurant.  She would even casually downplay any trip to the emergency room, and called any overnight stay in the hospital a trip to “the Resort.”

So you may wonder, what made all of this possible?  How could she keep so cheerful and lively, and live her life so boldly, in the face of such great suffering?

Grace. Only the grace of God, the grace that comes to us through the Cross of Jesus Christ, by which we are saved, could enable Emily to have carried all her crosses with joy.  This grace is the free gift of God most high, and through the lens of grace, Emily could see that every day of her existence, as weak and fragile as it was, truly was a gift to be cherished and used well, because God Himself, in the Person of His Son, took on all the weakness and fragility of our human condition to save us from our sins and from death itself, coming into the world that we “may have life, and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

And Emily certainly lived the life that she had to the fullest, never letting any setback keep her down.  So her weakened hearing prevented her from a singing career?  She lived out her passion for musical theater with a long string of chorus roles in community theater productions.  So she had to quit her job in the state government after missing too many days of work?  She retired early and started a second career as a free-lance writer.  So she wasn’t able to give her life to God in a monastery of cloistered Dominican nuns?  She joined the Dominican Third Order and lived as an exemplary lay member of the Order of Preachers: teaching the basics of the Catholic faith in the classroom, in her writing, and in conversations with her Protestant friends; preaching the truth of God’s grace with her witness on social media, at conferences, and on Jeopardy!; and making known the gift of God in the only book she published in her lifetime: an autobiography arranged, not in chronological order like most memoirs, not in dramatic order like a Christopher Nolan movie, but according to the Stations of the Cross—as only she could.  And so what if she was never married, and was unable to bear any children—something with which she struggled her entire life?  She showed her love and her intense loyalty to her family, to her godchildren, and to her friends—of whom I am blessed to call myself one.

And I remain forever indebted to her for driving me 100 miles to the Dominican novitiate in Cincinnati to begin my religious life and my path toward the priesthood, at a time when I could not trust anyone in my family to bring me there.  (We got a lot better!)  Emily herself was discerning a vocation to religious life at the same time, and we listened to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in the car on the way there to celebrate this new beginning.  My novice master, upon seeing her, proclaimed, “You had a woman bring you here?  That’s bold!”

We have remained good friends for nearly fourteen years, even if I had to miss her final promises as a Lay Dominican because I was the godfather at my oldest niece’s baptism, and she had to miss my ordination because she was a bridesmaid at her brother’s wedding.  Her prayers have certainly sustained me throughout my time as a Dominican friar, even as I bore my share of the Cross, and even as I administered the Sacraments to her—and no doubt they will continue, for as both St. Dominic and St. Thérèse of Lisieux have said before her, she will spend her Heaven doing good on Earth.

For one who, as the Psalmist said, was “wretched, close to death from [her] youth” (Ps. 88:16), Emily always sought “the things that are above” (Col. 3:1) and overcame the wretchedness of her condition with anticipation of the joy of eternal life.  She could tell that her time in this life was short, even more so lately.  She made her only overseas trip to one of her ancestral lands, Scotland, just this fall, and wrote a brilliant article on her experience with not only her transplant, but also with how God’s providence has worked in her life, this past year, that reads now like a last will and testament.  Even as she checked into the Resort one last time in the closing days of Advent, she faced it with her signature sense of humor.

And so the woman whom I once described as “a radiant soul trapped in a body held together with duct tape,” who was born on Good Friday, ended up dying at Christmas—but she had to wait until the seventh day, because that’s when it finally snowed.  How’s that for an exit?  Emily met her Maker on the same day on which the Church sings the Te Deum in thanksgiving to God for His benefits at the end of one period of time, and on which the orchestra in Tokyo always plays Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony to celebrate the end of the year and mark a new beginning.

And even in death, Emily carries out her vocation as a Lay Dominican, preaching and teaching the Truth who is Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls.  So what can we learn from her, especially now in this season of Lent?  What has she taught us?

First, do not be afraid of the Cross.  The world often says that all suffering is to be avoided, and that a life full of suffering is not worth living at all, but Emily has proven otherwise with the way that she lived her life and shown how God can work great good even through suffering, just as He wrought our salvation through the suffering and death of His Son.  Following her example, we too can offer the pain and misfortune of this world along with the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, for as the Lenten hymn says, “For only those who bear the Cross can hope to wear the glorious crown.”

Second, acknowledge your limitations—and then live your fullest life within them.  So often we hear of people trying to ignore their limits, or trying to be someone that they’re not, but while each of us is limited by our own bodies and minds, and our human nature, it is this same shared human nature that gives us our dignity and our capacity for the infinite God.  Emily demonstrated this with her ability to bounce back from setbacks and find a home, a place in the Church, and a task that she carried out with her writing to build up the Kingdom of God—and to enjoy life along the way.  We also can find how God would like to use the gifts that He has given each of us for the common good, and in doing so to live the most fulfilling life we can, by following the words of St. Catherine of Siena: “Be who you are, and you will set the world on fire!”

Third, and last, while many say to “live each day of your life as if it’s your last,” that kind of saying can often be twisted to encourage unreasonable pleasure-seeking.  Emily would rather say, “Live each day as it it’s the beginning of eternal life.”  For while she was born on Good Friday, she celebrated her last birthday on Easter Sunday, the first and only time in her lifetime that the dates coincided, as if it had to be that way.  She acknowledged all of her life after the transplant as borrowed time, and even compared the event to the Resurrection in her writing, but still acknowledged it as only a shadow of the glory to come, a glory into which, we pray (and for which I have seen signs), she has entered.  But we already have “a pledge of future glory,” in the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, here on Earth: with the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, to which Emily was so devoted, and as God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit dwell within our souls by the grace of Baptism and the other Sacraments.  Truly, eternal life begins here and now, and Emily reflected that truth by radiating the light of Christ from within her.  We can do the same, showing the life of God to those we meet in this world, while keeping in mind that we are meant for a life after death, which is the only way that our lives can be fulfilled.  For in her own words, Emily tells us, “Remember you will die—and then get to living.”

So as we learn from Emily, and as we miss her, let us also pray for her—or if we are so bold, pray to her—that we all may be reunited by the grace of Jesus Christ, who, as we sing in the Te Deum, “overcame the sting of death, and opened the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers.”

Fr. Humbert Kilanowski, O.P. is a Dominican friar and priest who teaches mathematics at Providence College in Rhode Island.  He hails from Columbus and met Emily at a Lay Dominican meeting at St. Patrick's Church, the friars' parish in town, in Lent of 2010, and joined the Order that following summer.

Seven Quick Takes: Women's Retreat, a New Book, and Yarn-A-Palooza!

7 Quick Takes, books, Catholicism, holidays, Seven Quick Takes, the book, knittingEmily DeArdo1 Comment


In the words of Dumbledore (adapted), “Welcome, welcome, to another week of Quick Takes!”

Post from earlier this week, which is proving really popular: Get In The Picture.


Last weekend, I attended my parish’s women’s retreat, and it was so lovely! I loved the items we received from Pio Prints, a fabulous local company.

Each table had a lovely bouquet of flowers.

Each table had a lovely bouquet of flowers.

I just joined this parish in January, so I hadn’t been to this retreat before, and I hadn’t had a chance to meet many women in the parish. Fellow Ave Author Emily Jaminet was the speaker, and she gave us three fabulous talks that were just what I needed to hear.

Emily’s authored and co-authored several books, and her talks were derived from those books. The first talk was about the Sacred Heart, which was a devotion I’d heard of but hadn’t really thought much about. Emily runs the local Sacred Heart Enthronement group, and it was beautiful to hear her talk about this special devotion! (Her book, Secrets of the Sacred Heart*, is well worth reading to learn more about this devotion).

Her second talk was about Christian friendship (based on her book The Friendship Project*, which is great), and the third focused on making time for prayer throughout our busy days! (Based on her book Prayfully)

My notebook is full of a lot of “thank you, Jesus!” for bringing me on this retreat, because initially, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go. I am really glad I listened to Jesus’ prompting and went. And I told Him so when we had adoration after Mass.


It was also really great to talk to Emily about writing and being a writer, especially since we are published by the same publisher. She was also gracious enough to plug my book several times during the retreat!

There are so many lovely women at my parish who are truly seeking holiness, and it was great to meet them and have good Catholic women’s fellowship!

(Also, want a signed copy of my book for a Christmas gift? Keep reading. ;-)


Speaking of great Catholic women….my friend Kelly (who runs the Seven Quick Takes) has just published her first book!


I was deeply honored to endorse Better than OK*, which I think (and I wrote!) is vital for parents with kids who have chronic illnesses or other types of issues (I just say issues. I could say special needs, etc. but issues is the word that comes to mind for me!) It’s a beautiful, helpful book and I hope that it reaches the wide audience it deserves!

This sort of thing is something that the pro-life movement needs. We need parents to hear that it will be OK—BETTER than OK!—to raise these children, from parents in the same situations. We need to hear stories like mine that talk about how it’s possible to find job in a hard life. All these things come together to create a culture of life, with support that people need.

So go get this book! Get it! Now!


In Patty updates: this week, she has become a little girl.

I mean she always was one, duh. But she’s gone from baby/toddler to a little girl.


She has seemingly discovered her sister Bridget’s baby dolls this week, and…what a little mama! I just can’t believe how grown up she is, all of a sudden. Like I said—little girl, not a baby.

And what a fun stage—to hear her talk and to get to play dolls with her, like her sisters are doing—but it’s also sad to leave behind baby Patty.

Fortunately Baby Maddie (my niece, my sister Melanie and BIL Jason’s little girl) is on her way!!


Speaking of Maddie, I’ve started working on her blanket!


It’s a variation of the one I made Patty….


Which in and of itself is a variation on the Sully blanket pattern. (I don’t do the picked up border.)

or this one, I’m adding a small garter stitch boarder to keep the ends from curling up. You can’t really see it here (the bottom part, you can, imagine it doing that all the way around), but I don’t block blankets and with stockinette stitch (which this blanket is), I want there to be less curling. So basically every time I make this I modify it a little bit!

I’m using Rowan’s Baby Cashsoft Merino, which has cashmere in it, because, why not, and she is my first niece. :) (Well first niece or nephew, for that matter.) It’s so great to work with! I’m using the colors turquoise, rosy, snowflake, and lavender (in that order of striping) and I’m almost done with the first turquoise stripe. Because of the stockinette pattern you can’t see it really well, but I took a photo for you anyway (above)!


OK before we continue Yarn-A-Palooza, CHRISTMAS BOOKS.

If you would like a signed copy of Living Memento Mori for Christmas, then please email me. They are $20, and that includes shipping, a bookmark, and a prayer card. I can make it out to anyone you want! They are great gifts!


Back to yarn. :) I recently ordered these beauties, to make into a shawl:


And Christmas knitting has begun! I didn’t do too much of it last year, but this year, I’m making a few things for people. Do you make hand made gifts for anyone? I’m using some really soft yarn that will make up into great winter accessories!

Seven Quick Takes--Post Turkey

7 Quick Takes, books, Catholic 101, holidays, knitting, Seven Quick Takes, the bookEmily DeArdo2 Comments


Happy Post-Thanksgiving! I hope you had a lovely Turkey Day!

Patty certainly had a good day.

Patty certainly had a good day.


We had Buca di Beppo. They had the normal menu (well, a smaller menu, as is usual these days) an then Thanksgiving meal which was very good. I really liked the stuffing, which had Italian sausage in it—WINNER. It was a little different than regular stuffing (or dressing, as some of you say), but I really liked it!


OK time for business!

OK first: my ebook, Catholic 101, is on sale for FOUR DOLLARS. If you are a blog subscriber, you get even MORE off with your special coupon code! So if you aren’t a subscriber, sign up now and get the code!

This book is based on my experiences as a first grade CCD—as I was teaching the kids things, I noticed that parents and other adults didn’t know the stuff I was teaching the kids! So I decided to write an ebook about it.

The ebook is gift-able—you can email it to people!—printable, and also readable on any screen.

The sale runs through next Friday (Dec. 4), at midnight. You don't need a code or anything. Just go buy it. :)

Second, Ave Maria Press’s Black Friday deal is on. Using the code BLACK20 to get 30% off and FREE SHIPPING PLUS an Advent booklet (while supplies last) for free! You can get Living Memento Mori here.

Black Friday_Instagram-Facebook_GENERIC.jpg


I got my first Christmas gift today from Tiff (aka Billy’s mom)—three books that I will probably spend the rest of the day devouring. That and also digging out in Orchard House—it’s a disaster. One of the biggest issues with not going out to shop is that I get so many BOXES AND BAGS delivered on a weekly basis. So they pile up fully quickly! So today I’ll be making several trips to the bulk trash and trash compactor.


Normally I put my tree up tomorrow during the OSU/ Michigan game. But….that game is now next week, so my schedule is all off. :) So I might not get the tree up until next week but it’s all good, right? I would like to get the nativity set out this weekend.


In what has become a Thanksgiving tradition, I watched Miracle on 34th Street (the original) last night while I worked on my Find Your Fade Shawl. It’s actually quite a lovely tradition, if I do say so myself.


And speaking of knitting, this weekend I will start picking up the stitches for the cardigan collar! Wish me luck. :)